Basic workplace equipment
Forklift and a pallet truck
Compressed air
Measuring instruments (calipers, gauges, ...)
Magnifiers and microscopes
Small tools
Co-operative jig production
Others according to client's requirements
Iveta Šrámková
Branch manager,
+420 733 133 909
Branch details
- 30+ employees
- visual inspection of components under a magnifying glass or a microscope
- own premises of the Measurement Centre (100m2)
- assembly and machining of components - reference: Erreka Olomouc
- total area 190m2

Kaštanová 530,
620 00
Jana Cagašová
Branch manager,
+420 736 473 735
Branch details
- 60+ employees
- component check under a magnifying glass or a microscope
- visual inspections - plastic and metal components
- extra work – grinding and cleaning
- caliper measurement, gauge checking
- own forklift
- own transport - a van with a capacity of 5 pallets
- total area = 500m2 with the possibility of storing 80 pallets

Zbrojovácká 1593,
755 01
Lukáš Fatr
Branch manager,
+420 730 895 748
Branch details
- 40+ employees
- own transport - a van with a capacity of 11 pallets
- sorting area = 160m2

Na Dolech 2396/10,
586 01
Klášterec nad Ohří
Petr Lakatos
Branch manager,
+420 605 209 591
Branch details
- 60+ employees
- component check under a magnifying glass or a microscope
- visual inspections - plastic and metal components
- extra work - grinding and cleaning, drilling, component machining (jig invention, implementation, process setup)
- caliper measurement, gauge checking
- installation of seals for filters (DONALDSON CZ)
- total area of the plants (Ciboušov + Nádražní) = 1000m2 with the possibility of storing 80 pallets
- technical cleanliness = 40m2

Ciboušov 184 (Technická čistota),
Nádražní 214,
Klášterec nad Ohří
431 51
Nový Jičín
Martin Vacek
Branch manager,
+420 731 572 755
Branch details
- 80+ employees
- component check under a magnifying glass or a microscope
- visual inspections - plastic and metal components
- extra work - grinding and cleaning, drilling, component machining (design of own jigs, implementation, process setup)
- caliper measurement, gauge checking
- two lorries (3,5t and 12,5t)
- total area = 1020m2, storing area = 250 pallets

Palackého 696/10,
Nový Jičín,
741 01
Mladá Boleslav
Josef Janoušek
Branch manager,
+420 731 413 093
Branch details
- total area = 300m2 with the possibility of storing 50 pallets, sorting area = 30m2 with fully equipped workplace and all facilities
- visual inspections - all types of components
- component repairs - grinding and cleaning, compressed air distribution, compressor 412 l/min - 10 bar
- measurement with all standard measuring instruments
- laboratory 20m2 - coordinate measuring machine (CMM) Premier - range X 1250 mm, Y 2000 mm, Z 800 mm, accuracy 3.1 + L/250 μm, load 1100 kg
- hardness measurement:
- we provide hardness measurement at our site or at the customer's
- our trained staff use own portable hardness testers
- we measure cylindrical and spherical surfaces (both outside and inside) as well as components with poor access, grooves, holes
- our equipment:
- hardness tester Leeb HDT-LP 200
- minimum reading - 1HLD/1HV/1HB/0.1HRC/0.1HRB/0.1HRA/0.1HS/1SGM
- conversion to Vickers (HV), Brinell (HB), Rockwell (HRC, HRA and HRB), Shore (HS), tensile strength (SGM)
- accuracy: +/- 2 HLD / +/- 0.3% (HLD = 800)
- measuring ranges: HL 100-960, HRC 0.9-79.2, HRB 1-140, HB 1-1878, HV 1-1698, HS 0.5-1370, HRA 1-88.5, SGM (rm) 1-6599 N/mm2
- maximum roughness of the measured object (Ra): 2 micrometers
- minimum weight of the measured object: direct measurement - 5 kg, on a solid base - 2 kg, in a joint - 0.05 kg
- minimum thickness of the measured object: 3 mm

Průmyslový areál
Josefův Důl 27,
293 07 Josefův Důl u Mladé Boleslavi