About us

100% REWORK is part of a holding structure which consists of companies providing products for quality control, measurement as well as testing and a sheltered workshop.

100% REWORK was founded in 2001 and since then it has been a 100% Czech company. The company's goal is to provide services in the field of quality. 

By constantly adopting new procedures, product diversity and subsequent increase in professionalism to a high level of expertise, the company has created an excellent background for the implementation of its services.


At the beginning, the company focused on the visual component inspection which took place directly at the customer's workplaces.  Thanks to the experience gained and continuous development, the company is able to offer specialized activities such as trainings, audits and measurement services according to the specific requirements (in house).  

Currently, the company has six fully equipped plants located throughout the Czech Republic.  In 2014, a measurement centre was opened in Brno, equipped with coordinate measuring machines for both contact and non-contact measuring.

About us

Our story in numbers

We are closer to you. You can find us all over the Czech Republic.

completed contracts

Our company values

Podporujeme přátelský přístup a otevřené prostředí. Pracujeme jako tým. Chceme se zlepšovat a růst.
and fairness
Přistupujeme férově a s respektem k našim pracovníkům, zákazníkům i dodavatelům. Plníme slovo.
and stability
Dbáme na bezpečnost pracovníků a osobní odpovědnost za kvalitu poskytovaných služeb.
and trends
Sledujeme trendy, přinášíme novinky a neustále zlepšujeme naše služby.

Our mission

Cooperation at the highest level

In quality, we do not make compromises. We act fairly and promote business partnerships based on mutual respect.

"We are aware that our work affects products that are used daily by people all over the world. The customer has no reason to doubt our values, experience, professionalism and reliability. 

We know the needs of customers. Our solution increases the level of services and product quality, it reduces costs and at the same time contributes to the mutual credibility in the labour market. Therefore, we always act fairly and promote business partnerships based on mutual respect."

We are certified holders of TISAX which is focused on information protection:

Our family

We are one happy family, we are OPAG - Quality Production Assurance Group


Certificates and insurance are a matter of course for us

100- REWORK PLUS.pdf

PDF, 490.01 KB

100- REWORK - 9001 - ústředí.pdf

PDF, 1.29 MB

Certifikát pojištění.pdf

PDF, 256.26 KB
